Bylaws and Tree Removal Permits – City of Victoria
- City of Victoria website: https://www.victoria.ca
- Tree Cutting Bylaw: Protecting Trees on Private & Public Property, A Summary of the City of Victoria Tree Preservation Bylaw 05-106 (pdf)
- Tree Cutting Permit: see bylaw or contact office.

Town of View Royal Tree Cutting Bylaw
Town of View Royal website: https://www.viewroyal.ca/ Tree Service or Alteration Information The following trees are protected within View Royal: Garry Oak (Quercus garryana); Arbutus (Arbutus menziesii);

Capital Regional District
CRD website: https://www.crd.bc.ca/ See your specific regional office to get information on your specific bylaws. District of Oak Bay Tree Cutting Permit: see your

Highlands Tree Bylaws and Permits Links and Resources
Highlands Tree Bylaws and Permits Links and Resources The District of Highlands Tree Bylaws and Permits can be viewed and obtained from their website,

Town of Sidney Tree Preservation Bylaw
- Town of Sidney website: http://www.sidney.ca
- Tree Cutting Bylaw: Bylaw No. 1663 (Consolidated) Tree Preservation Bylaw (pdf) includes Application for Tree Cutting and Removal Permit
- Tree Cutting Permit: see bylaw or contact office.

Central Saanich Tree Cutting Bylaws and Permits
Central Saanich Tree Cutting Bylaws and Permits can be found on the District of Central Saanich website. There is information on the permit and applications that you need before cutting or pruning trees on your property.
There are two different bylaws relating to trees

District of Saanich
- District of Saanich website: http://www.saanich.ca
- Tree Information: Tree Protection Bylaw has information to preserving, cutting, and more including download or complete the tree permit online.
- Tree Cutting Bylaw: To Regulate and Prohibit the Cutting of Trees (pdf)
- Tree Cutting Permit: see tree information page to download or complete online.

District of Sooke Bylaws
Here is where you can find the District of Sooke Bylaws and District office information.
District of Sooke website: https://sooke.ca/
Tree Cutting Permit: For tree removal contact the District office for current information.
Sooke Bylaws:
Sooke Hazardous Tree Program Parks and Green Spaces

District of Metchosin Tree Bylaws and Permits
If it is necessary to remove trees from your property, you will want to obtain the propper Metchosin Tree Bylaws and Permits.

City of Colwood
A: At the present time, the City of Colwood does not have a tree-cutting bylaw but does protect trees and controls the removal of vegetation through the development permit process. Please contact the Planning Department to determine whether any part of your property is in the Development Permit area.

City of Langford Tree Removal information
The City of Langford controls the cutting of trees and the removal of vegetation in designated environmentally sensitive and hazardous Development Permit areas contained within Langford’s Official Community Plan.

Oak Bay Tree Service Bylaws
Oak Bay Tree Cutting Bylaws Find Oak Bay Tree Service Bylaws here. District of Oak Bay website: http://www.oakbaybc.org Hazardous Tree and Shrub Bylaw Tree